Character Traits
Character is combination of human traits that defines each person. Your character determines WHO YOU ARE as an individual. The CHARACTER TRAITS you develop and possess will direct your actions, choices, and paths you will take in life. Along with your family, schools have a responsibility to help you cultivate sound and wise character traits. Staff of MODESTO CITY SCHOOLS believes the following traits are essential elements of the moral and ethical behavior expected of every student:
COURAGE: The strength of character to live by the dictates of conscience.
HONESTY: Truthful speech and behavior.
LOYALTY: Faithful and dependable support of people and institutions.
RESPECT: Honoring the worth and value of individuals and institutions and treating them accordingly.
RESPONSIBILITY: Personal and moral accountability for one’s acts and words.
CIVILITY: Courteous speech and behavior in the conduct of daily life.
COMPASSION: Deep awareness of the suffering of another and the wish to relieve it.
INITIATIVE: Ability to begin and complete a task without prompting or supervision of others.
PERSEVERANCE: Adhering to a course of action, a belief, or a purpose despite obstacles and discouragement.