Are you ready to make a real impact on the future of our schools? Modesto City Schools is looking for passionate parents, guardians, staff, and community members to step up and jo...
We're excited to invite you to our BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT on Thursday, August 29th, starting at 4:45 PM. This will be a great opportunity to meet the teachers, learn more about the ...
Parents Make a Difference Parent ForumFriday, September 20, 20249:00 a.m.Library Come learn about STUDENT SUPPORTS (academic and more) and learn how you can be part of your schoo...
Help Modesto City Schools Stuff the Bus! We're gearing up for our annual school supply donation event on 7/27 from 9 AM - 4 PM! Find us at the Walmart on Sisk Road, where we wil...
Access to nutritious food is crucial all year round, not just during the school year. That's why Modesto City Schools remains dedicated to providing nutrition support to our commu...
The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) is designed to close the achievement gap by providing additional funds to support improved student outcomes and accountability. We must ...
State Superintendent of Public instruction Tony Thurmond announced that Modesto City Schools is one of only 14 school districts in the state to earn a 2024 California Green Ribbon...
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Modesto City Schools Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) hereby gives notice that a Public Hearing will be held as follows: TOPIC OF HEARIN...
In accordance with Board Policy 6161.1 and Administrative Regulation 6161.1, committees convened, piloted material, and brought recommendations to the Superintendent for Curriculu...
Modesto City Schools is officially launching the Say Something Anonymous Reporting System in grades 6 to 12 today, providing a safe and secure way for youth and adults to sp...
Please click HERE to view the Robertson Road School Compact 23-24
and the Title I School-Level Parent & Family Engagement Policy
Por favor de hacer c...
Every year, Modesto City Schools, like all California school districts, is required to prepare a three-year plan known as the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). The LCA...
This year, one of our main goals is to get every student to school. Our target for attendance is 96% or above. To achieve this, we need your support!
Here are some attendance ...
Help Modesto City Schools Secure Funding for Our District and Our Students
Fill out your LCFF Application Form Today!
All families play a critical r...
"No Shots, No School". Be sure to have up-to-date vaccinations to start the year. Modesto City Schools has joined with Golden Valley Health Centers to provide Vaccination Hubs t...